
Special Projects

Seznam našich speciálních projektů

FMCG – CR, Slovakia

Setting standard performance of Sales Reps by the application „On-the-job“ training with measurable results and development needs identification
Project length and extension: 18 months / 130 people

FMCG – CR, Slovakia

Middle management coaching training in the daily operations with measurable outcomes and methodology for the Sales Reps
Project length and extension: 18 months / 30 people

Drinks CR, Slovakia

Sales representatives and middle management training in the field of sales skills, Channel & Category Sales, and sales with profit
Project length and extension: 12 months / 50 people

Automotive CEE

Presentation skills of middle managements in English for a key player in automotive industry

IT – CR, Slovakia

Exclusive long-term training of management competencies for an important HW provider


Setting and implementing the plan of long-term company development for an IT company creating web and e-shop

Telco – Slovakia

Managers training and setting performance evaluation according to managers competencies
Project length and extension: 7 months / 60 people

Insurance Slovakia

Managers training in the field of performance evaluation according to the management competencies in the field of manager´s skills
Project length and extension: 6 months / 20 people

Waste Management CR

Long-term individual coaching of Top managers linked with group training of management skills

Building&construction industry

Setting company development system and group training for managers in the field of manager´s competencies

FMCG – CR, Slovakia

Communication skills training for customer department (needs identified in DC)

Automotive – CR

Middle and top management training in the field of complex management development from shift leaders up to the top management for a production company

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BD Funky


Faculty of Philosophy at Charles University in Prague

We are partner of the Faculty of Philosophy at Charles University in Prague.

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